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商業周刋 1020 期內的句子

Compassionate Capitalist 慈悲的資本主義者
Compassionate Capitalist is Capitalism in mind, Socialism at heart. 慈悲的資本主義者,是指腦中思考著資本主義,但心中信仰社會主義的人

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Robin: I'm going out to the store. I'm running out of toothpaste and shampoo. Do you want me to get anything for you?
Juliet: No, thanks a lot. You said you're buying toothpaste? Beware of toothpaste that's mode in China.
Robin: How come?

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Bob: My electric bill was soaring last month since I turned on the air conditioner all day.
Juliana: It isn't all your fault. It was really hot last month.
Bob: I couldn't agree with you more. According to a news report I saw in the China Post, the glaciers and the snow covering the Earth are melting. The article said that the water shortages, rising sea levels and flooding would impact up to 40 percent of the world's population in the long run!

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Julia: I'm so full. You know, I shouldn't have come to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, since I only eat like a bird.
Robert: Ha-ha! Look at me! There is still space in my stomach. Just call me the king of big eaters!
Julia: Yeah, you can eat a lot. But you are still far from being a "KING." In a hot dog eating competition held in Arizona last week, 23-year-old Joey Chestnut gobbled up 59 hotdogs buns in 12 minutes!

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Bill: I aced my mathematics test again!
Tori: Congrats! You really have a talent for math.
Bill: But not for literature. I tend to forget what I just read in about three seconds!

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Will: I messed up on the midterm exam. I guess I can't graduate with you this year!
Vickie: You can still make up for it by doing well on the final, can't you?
Will: I can't do it. I'm not good enough.

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Wilson: Know what? Last week I went shopping and found that I could no longer fit in the clothing size I used to wear. I feel so frustrated.
Vicky: I told you not to be such a couch potato a thousand times! It's time for you to take action!
Wilson: Do you have any recommendations for me?

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William: Last night I went swimming with my brother. The water was freezing!
Victoria: Freezing? That was no big deal compared to this: According to a news report I read in The China Post, a British adventurer is planning to become the first person to swim at the North Pole!
William: Whoa! He must be insane!

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Collin: Have you ever heard of the "little mermaid statue" in Denmark?
Anne: Sure. It's a famous landmark in Copenhagen. I also know the statue was sculpted to commemorate the works of Hans Christian Andersen. Why do you ask?
Collin: I read a news report in The China Post that said last week, the mermaid was found draped in a Muslim dress and head scarf.

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Cole: What's new?
Ana: Check this out. I read a story on the Web site that said a 9-year-old German girl was seen crying in a window, holding a sign up saying "Help! Please call the police!"
Cole: That's terrible! Someone had to have helped her.

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Ann: Hey Nick. You look like a panda with those black circles under your eyes! How was your Europe trip?
Nick: It was awesome. I had a hard time dealing with my jet lag, though.
Ann: I bet you drank a lot of coffee. I saw a story yesterday that will make your eyes pop out of your head.

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Nicholas: The price of gasoline is soaring! Filling up my car's tank is eating into my money.
Anna: Yeah. I saw a news report in The China Post that said gasoline prices hit a record hight for the second week in a row. In my opinion, it's not completely a bad thing though.
Nicholas: How come?

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Mitchell: You know what? I just saw a shoplifter caught in a retail store. They turned him to the police.
Sophie: That should definitely teach him a lesson. Last week I read a nows report on The China Post about a female shoplifter caught in a Wal-Mart store. In lieu of a 60-days jail term, the perpetrator chose to stand outside the store with signs reading "I am a thief; I stole from Wal-Mart."
Mitchell: Whoa! Talk about giving someone a lesson!

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Mike: What's new?
Sonia: You know what a "baby hatch" is?
Mike: A place to hatch babies?

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Mickey: The blazing heat is cooking me. It's only late spring but the temperature says "middle of summer."
Sofia: Tell me about it. Global warming is a real hot topic lately. According to a news report I read on Yahoo!, the warm temperature melted an area of western Antarctica that adds up to the size of California!
Mickey: Whoa! That's terrible. People have to do something to stop it.

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Sophia: How's your weekend?
Michael: Nothing special. I spend hours at home watching TV. You know, I'm a couch potato and it's too late for me to change.
Sophia: You should do some outdoor activities! According to a news report I read on the China Post, the most TV adolescents watch, the more likely they are to develop attention and learning problems.

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Alec: I read an impressive story last night. Before I tell the story, tell me what kind of activity you'll do when you're in your 70s.
Sari: I'll probably want to retain an active lifestyle. Perhaps I'll walk dogs in a park or play Majang.
Alec: Well, check this out. A 75-year-old black woman named Barbara just finished a "North Pole trek," making her the first black woman and one of the oldest people to accomplish the feat.

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Al: Climate change and global warming are hot issues recently. There seems to be a TV news report on it every hour!
Sadie: Indeed, and in newspapers as well! I read a bilingual story on The China Post yesterday. It said that a six-year study has found that the cause of the "White Syndrome" coral disease that afflicts Australia's Great Barrier Reef is directly linked to warming sea temperatures.
Al: That's terrible. Looks like the Great Barrier Reef will come to a  bad end in the long run.

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Alex: I took my grandma to the hospital for a blood test last night and found out why she's been so reluctant to go.
Sara: How so?
Alex: To measure her blood sugar levels, the doctor pricked her finger for a drop of blood. Granted, it's not as bad as drawing blood with a syringe, but it's still rather uncomfortable.

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self interest is a shared interest==同時兼顧
untested bond==光說不練
their first born==渾身解數, 千方百計

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