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Manifest Destiny  明顯的命運


John L O'Sullivan : 19 世紀的美國新聞從業員

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The Bradley Effect :
Bradley 指從前洛杉磯市長 Tom Bradley (1917-1998), 他是非裔美人 (African-American), 但聲望很高, 所以 Bradley 做過市長後, 想更上一層樓, 遂在 1982 年競選加州州長。事前的民調說 Bradley 穩操勝算, 而結果竟是落敗, 那表示民調有問題, 最大的問題出在接受民調的人沒有說實話, 而這些撒謊者又全是白人, 這即是所謂 Bradley effect。

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Broader, Deeper Job Cuts Risk Steepening Slump


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California Shows Possible Future for US


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  • Oct 19 Sun 2008 12:06
  • Greed

Greed is, for lack of a better word, good

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Bailout 紓困  文●聞亦道


由於目前空前的經濟危機, 美國報章雜誌充斥著 bailout 這個字眼, 看看下面的大標題即可了然:

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Old-School Banks Emerge A top New World of Finance

Bells & Whistles
連續兩周華爾街日報的導讀文章都是全球金融秩序的重整, 近來再也沒有比這個更重要的議題了。過去幾十年來, 全球銀行業的業務分為兩大類, 一是商業銀行(commercial bank), 以存款、放款提供穩定的回報。一是投資銀行(investment bank), 像是雷曼兄弟、美林公司等高風險、高利潤的投資機構。隨著金融市場崩潰, 投資銀行只剩下高盛和摩根士丹利獨撐局面。銀行業回歸基本面(Back to basics), 傳統的借貸、不講究花樣(less bells and whistles)的商品大尚其道。Bells and whistles這個成語來自於交通工具, 也可以說成「bells, whistles and gongs」。駱駝隊的鈴聲bells, 汽車、火車的汽笛聲whistles, 大船要出發前的鑼聲gongs, 都有叫留心的作用, 鈴還有裝飾作用。所以, bells and whistles現在一般是指花俏, 能引人注目的附加設施。有人視bells and whistles為先進功能, 襃貶意思都有, 例如:

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Who Are You Calling Old ? 導讀

    美國大選如火如荼競爭之際, 延燒的話題也越趨廣泛: John McCain-剛滿72歲 (turns 72 this week), 而Obama 仍值壯年的47歲, 候選人的年齡在本篇以老化醫學、人口學、選舉研究予以分析, 原來屬於社會認同的選舉議題, 華爾街日報本文的作者試圖以科學實證數據或研究打破一般人習以為常的觀點, 加上本文用來旁徵博引的英語句型及論理方式, 值得一讀.

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Rich: (In the market) Which light bulb do you think is better?
Belle: I would say the energy efficient one.
Rich: Isn't it more expensive compared with the traditional one?

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Izzy: I ate some white bread and potatoes for breakfast. Why do I feel hungry so soon? It's only 10am.
Richie: Because they are "high-GI" foods, which make your blood sugar surge quickly. What you need are "low-GI" foods, such as high-fiber, whole foods, which increase your blood sugar gradually,  so you'll feel full for a longer period. In addition, your daily calorie intake will be less, too.
Izzy: Cool. I'll try to eat low-GI food for lunch.

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Putting  Wikipedia's pieces together

A look at how Wikipedia -- the multilingual Web-based, free-content encyclopedia operated by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation -- woks:

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Timmy: Look at that stray cat. I feel sorry for it.
Hailey: You hate cats! Do you really mean that?
Timmy: I do, from the bottom of my heart.

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Jody: What's the book in your hand? Are you studying Japanese language?
Ellen: That's right. I'm a big Japanese fan. I love everything about the country.
Jody: Really? I bet you'll want to know it. According to a story I read in the China Post, about 70 percent of Japanese are worried about their daily lives.

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Bryon: Cough.
Alicia: Do you have a cold?
Bryon: Nope. Do you know that my dad is a heavy smoker? It must be the secondhand smoke that makes me cough.

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Bryant: What's new?
Elsa: Do you know that Apple is expected to release new iPod with touch screens?
Bryan: Really? I'm always in the market for something like that!

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Bryan: Do you know what? I was in a cab and driver just couldn't stop picking his nose and scratching his bare feet while driving. It was so nasty.
Alisa: Ha-ha. The situation would be much better in Malaysia.
Bryan: Why?

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Brian: Do you know how many couples in the world simultaneous kissing record are?
Alice: Beats me. Maybe 1,000 couples, I guess.
Brian: According to a news report I read in The China Post, some 7,000 couples kissed at the same time in the Bosnian town of Tuzla in a bid to break the world record.

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Chinglish == 中式英文
Don't Disturb == 請勿打擾
Don't Bother == 不要麻煩

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Adams: I just read a book called "The Kite Runner". It's so impressive and worth reading. If you want, I can lend you the book.
Nikita: No, thanks. Actually, I haven't read books for a long time.
Adams: Are you kidding me! There's someone who doesn't read. I can't believe it!

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Addy: How's the astronomy class you just enrolled in?
Colette: It's awesome. I started staring at the sky since then, hoping to see the constellations with my own eyes.
Addy: Hmm, Do you know Google Earth, a satellite mapping system?

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