The Bradley Effect :
Bradley 指從前洛杉磯市長 Tom Bradley (1917-1998), 他是非裔美人 (African-American), 但聲望很高, 所以 Bradley 做過市長後, 想更上一層樓, 遂在 1982 年競選加州州長。事前的民調說 Bradley 穩操勝算, 而結果竟是落敗, 那表示民調有問題, 最大的問題出在接受民調的人沒有說實話, 而這些撒謊者又全是白人, 這即是所謂 Bradley effect。
Michael Dawson :
I'm one of those who believe the Bradley effect is alive and well....... It may have diminished with time....... but has not disappeared.
我是相信 Bradley 效應依然健在的人之一。....... 也許這效應隨著時間減弱了....... , 但並沒有消失。
won't play the race card 不打種族牌
Issue of race creeps into campaign. 種族問題滲入競選活動
diminish : to become or make something become smaller or less [= reduce]
creep : to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention (潛行;慢慢移動)