Learning English - Words in the News

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It used to be that shopping was a fairly simple activity - you went to the supermarket, picked up what you needed, paid for it and left. But in recent years it's become a lot more complicated. Supermarkets in the UK now sell much more than food: you can get your insurance there, pay bills and a variety of other services. In many ways they've become a one-stop shop for lots of life's daily chores. 

You can also get 'rewards' - join up and get a 'loyalty card' and every time you shop you'll get points and discounts. And just when you thought supermarkets couldn't offer anything else, they turned into mini-banks, offering you cash when you shop. Go into any UK supermarket, pay for your shopping, and you're more than likely to be asked if you want 'any cashback with that?' 

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Taiwan court orders Chen arrest

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Manifest Destiny  明顯的命運


John L O'Sullivan : 19 世紀的美國新聞從業員

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The Bradley Effect :
Bradley 指從前洛杉磯市長 Tom Bradley (1917-1998), 他是非裔美人 (African-American), 但聲望很高, 所以 Bradley 做過市長後, 想更上一層樓, 遂在 1982 年競選加州州長。事前的民調說 Bradley 穩操勝算, 而結果竟是落敗, 那表示民調有問題, 最大的問題出在接受民調的人沒有說實話, 而這些撒謊者又全是白人, 這即是所謂 Bradley effect。

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Broader, Deeper Job Cuts Risk Steepening Slump


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California Shows Possible Future for US


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The 12th Annual CEO Forum

3-4 December 2008

China World Hotel, Beijing

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  • Oct 19 Sun 2008 12:06
  • Greed

Greed is, for lack of a better word, good

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"It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history, I didn't just drop out of the sky, people came from my continent in chains."

-- Colin Luther Powell (鮑爾 -- 美前國務卿)

「由於許多人的奮鬥, 才讓我達到歷史上這一地步。我不是從天上掉下來的人, 人們從我的 (非洲) 大陸過來時, 可是戴著鐐銬。」

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